About Me

Ally Rugge

Sociologist + Embodiment Practitioner

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I offer Counseling & Facilitation as a therapeutic service to provide the clarity needed to navigate the complexity and confusion that can arise both within ourselves & our closest relationships.

∴ Education

Degree in Sociology & Philosophy that specialized in learning counseling, mediation, & facilitation methods to offer deep inquiry & revelation into a person’s internal landscape and the terrain that exists within relationship.

SOCIOLOGY.  Study of human behavior, social behavioral patterns, communication skills, historical enculturation, intersectionality of race, class, sex, gender & lookism, collective & personal trauma and sociological research, theory and data collection thereof to understand the multi-causational effects on social dynamics and attachment styles.

PHILOSOPHY. Study of deep contemplation & inquiry that supports the self-awareness that cultivates transformation and growth within our human psyches, both the subconscious and conscious realms.

EMBODIMENT. Study of whole-self health & the ecology of being.
Embodiment is equipped with a wide-range of tools + techniques to offer compatible treatment to the client. It is highly integrative work to reconnect our ‘fragmented selves’ back into a complete integrated Self. Tending trauma, ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences), Attachment Styles, and collective miseducation + misguidance about what it means to be human is paramount to health, happiness and personal healing.


♥   NVC (Non-violent Communication)
♥   Continued sociological research on the bio-psycho-social connection of human development, relationships and impact on Emotional Health.
♥   Research + development of loss of Rites of Passage, the effects on the human development and collective wounding.
♥  500 hours of additional online education from renowned teachers + researchers in my field including Layla Saad, Esther Perel, Gabor Maté.
♥  Certified Yin Yoga Teacher
♥  Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (currently enrolled)

∴ Experience

I have over a decade worth of experience working with myself and others offering communication skills, personal counseling & mediation. Through Facilitation, I guide people into creating Collaborative Relationships, both within themselves & with each other, to cultivate greater connection, which is our most basic human need, both to survive & to thrive in the world. I am a Social Scientist who has a passion for relationships of all kinds.

∴ Embodied Cycle Awareness Education

Founder of Menstrala School of Cyclical Arts + Education
home to Embodied Cycle Awareness


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Commūnicātus Facilitation is dedicated to my ally & mentor, Dawn Haney-West, in memory.